Hi there! Welcome to Secrets ‘n Such, my name is Lauren Robertshaw. I am old-fashioned with a passion for southern hospitality.
I became a Registered Nurse in 2017 while my boyfriend (now husband) traveled around the country to chase his dream playing professional baseball.
Shortly after we married, I created my first LLC at age 24. An entrepreneur at heart, I designed and renovated a 1963 vintage travel trailer, named her “Sweet Cheeks” and owned the most adorable, PINK spray tanning business on sorority row in Austin, Texas.
I am now the mother of three. Charlotte James, Olivia Drew and Shep Boy (we call him Shep boy because he’s our only boy! The girls came up with that one.) We live on a hobby homestead in a tiny Texas town called, Oatmeal! We tend to our chickens and garden every day as a family. We call it our “fancy farm”!
My daughters are really the “why” behind Secrets ‘n Such. Before I was even pregnant, I began to compose a notebook for my future daughters- full of love letters and tidbits of wisdom that I learned over the years. (Pictures of the notebook below!) I often caught myself thinking “what if I forget to teach my daughters this?” So I was determined to write everything down for them. The notebook is all scribbled in and has absolutely no organization to it! I would write about a life lesson I learned on one page, then jump to a yummy cinnamon roll recipe on the next. (photos of the original notebook can be found below!) In the beginning, it was my dream to provide my daughters with anything and everything that she would need as a southern hostess, passing on traditions from the generations of women before me. As the notebook developed and the ideas grew, I decided to bring my pen & paper to life and share them with you!
My mission is to restore southern hospitality, and prove that anyone and everyone can and should practice it! You don’t have to have a lot of money, be a certain age, live in a new home, have all the right “stuff”. You just have to have a little creativity and a heart to love others. I hope you enjoy my little collection of “secrets” as much as I enjoy sharing them!
xo, Lauren
Get to know me!