
My midwives recently introduced me to Laborade and I’m so pumped to let y’all in on this secret. They advised me to make the concentrate ahead of birth! I’m so intrigued by this stuff. My husband and I tried it the night I prepared it, and it’s actually great! (I’ll have him replace the sugary electrolyte drinks for laborade when he’s doing tons of outdoor manual labor on our land from now on!)

What is Laborade?

Laborade is a homemade, concentrated, natural electrolyte drink that is intended to hydrate and give you lots of energy that you’ll need during labor (or any physically demanding event!). Compare this energy to running a marathon!

*every labor and delivery are different! This topic is still up for debate in the medical field, but in some situations, you’ll be told you can’t eat or drink (like if you have an epidural), so that doesn’t apply here. Would be great to drink beforehand though!*

If you’re able to eat/drink during labor, bring this concentrate with you! Dilute with water and sip on it while you go to work :)


  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (I found that the juice from about 7 lemons was great!)

  • 2 tablespoons of liquid calcium magnesium (my midwives like the Bluebonnet or Tropical Oasis brand. I got the Bluebonnet brand in “blueberry and it tasted great.)

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • 2/3 cup of raw honey or agave nectar


  • mix all together REALLY WELL. I shook mine for awhile in a tightly closed mason jar.

  • Place in fridge or freeze!

  • I froze mine and plan on unfreezing it the day I go into labor, just so I don’t risk it going bad.

  • When you’re ready to drink, dilute with water (or coconut water). Ratio is 1/4 cup concentrate to 1 cup water.


Veggie Pasta Primavera