Motherhood Lauren Robertshaw Motherhood Lauren Robertshaw


My midwives recently introduced me to Laborade and I’m so pumped to let y’all in on this secret. They advised me to make the concentrate ahead of birth! I’m so intrigued by this stuff. My husband and I tried it the night I prepared it, and it’s actually great! (I’ll have him replace the sugary electrolyte drinks for laborade when he’s doing tons of outdoor manual labor on our land from now on!)

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Motherhood Lauren Robertshaw Motherhood Lauren Robertshaw


If you’ve had a baby, maybe you’ve made padsicles! My friends and I get pregnant all together, it seems. Last pregnancy, we planned a padsicle making date and had a little assembly line going! We made so many and all took home a bag full each.

What’s a padsicle?

It’s basically a pad that turns into a medicated ice pack for “down there” to provide relief after delivery.

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Motherhood Lauren Robertshaw Motherhood Lauren Robertshaw

Newborn + Postpartum

I’ve pinpointed a few differences I’ve made with my second child that I believe made my experience EASIER, allowing me to be more present with my daughters (which resulted in me being a better Mama). These are in random order!

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